Japan successfully launches H3 carrier rocket

By: Nastya Bobkova | 19.02.2024, 18:16

The second test flight of Japan's new H3 rocket has just taken place from the Tanegashima Space Centre. The 187ft (57m) rocket, with a mock payload and two smaller satellites on board, flew its mission with altitude and precision.

After an excellent launch, the H3 rocket entered orbit, reaching the required speed using hydrogen-fuelled main engines and solid rocket boosters. In total, the flight lasted about twenty minutes, during which it successfully deployed a microsatellite for Earth imaging and a Japanese CubeSat for testing an infrared sensor.

Representatives of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) were delighted with the results of the test flight. Publicly available US military surveillance data indicates that the missile reached an orbital altitude of approximately 420 miles (680 kilometres) with an inclination of 98.1 degrees to the equator, right on target.

Source: Ars Technica