First Samsung, now HONOR is also working on a smart ring

By: Vlad Cherevko | 28.02.2024, 14:29

In light of the debut of Samsung's Galaxy Ring, Honor brand has announced the development of its own smart ring. The move is meant to emphasise the growing competition in the wearable electronics market.

Here's What We Know

According to CNBC, CEO George Zhao confirmed that Honor is developing its own smart ring, similar to Samsung's Galaxy Ring. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Ring on Monday at the Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona. The device, which is the company's first product in this category, is equipped with several sensors that can track health indicators such as heart rate. It's part of Samsung's wider health programme.

Zhao revealed very few details about the product, but said it is part of the firm's broader focus on health. Like the Galaxy Ring, which promises to give users new ways to interact with their devices, Honor's smart ring is likely to focus on innovative features such as smart home management, health monitoring or payment through touch.

Experts expect competition between Samsung and Honor, as well as other wearable device makers, to drive new technological developments and improved functionality in smart accessories. Users can expect more choices and options when choosing smart devices, including rings, fuelling this market segment.

Source: CNBC