Insider: Huawei is working on a triple-folding smartphone, the novelty will be shown in the summer

By: Myroslav Trinko | 12.03.2024, 11:35

Huawei is developing a new type of foldable smartphone.

Here's What We Know

Information was shared by a Chinese insider. He said that the novelty will receive a design with triple folding. If all goes according to plan, the gadget will be demonstrated in July, and the full release of the novelty may take place before the end of this year.

Unfortunately, there are almost no details about the smartphone. It is only known that in the unfolded state of the novelty will get a screen with a diagonal of about 10 inches.

By the way, if you believe the rumours, in addition to Huawei similar smartphone is also developing a Korean manufacturer Samsung.

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Image: CNET