Flying beetles appeared in Helldivers 2: developers deny everything and say it's propaganda from beetle supporters

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 13.03.2024, 13:32

Helldivers 2 is actively receiving updates, but the developers have not told us about all the innovations that the PvE shooter has received.

Here's What We Know

Players began to notice a new type of enemy in the game - Shrieker beetles that fly in flocks and attack from the air. These enemies can take 50% of the player's health in one hit. Nests with these creatures have also appeared on the maps, which must be destroyed to prevent them from reproducing.

But what is even more interesting about this story is how the creative director of Arrowhead commented on this situation. He said that the Ministry of Truth agrees that this is propaganda by beetle supporters who want to brainwash good people. And in general, everyone knows that bugs don't fly.

Oh weird, there are three mushrooms. Oh hello there, Cock Rock. OH SWEET LIBERTY! WHAT ARE THOSE!??
byu/Projectpatdc inHelldivers

Such humorous statements are a pretty cool way to communicate with players, and the unexpected appearance of such enemies will definitely be remembered for a long time by those who first encountered them, because they did not expect to see something like this in the game.

Players also noticed that the official poster of the game featured similar enemies from the very beginning, but the creative director also commented on this, calling it all manipulation by "traitors".

Where To Play

Helldivers 2 is available on PlayStation 5 and PC.

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Source: pcgamer