Uber and Lyft pull out of Minneapolis

By: Nastya Bobkova | 15.03.2024, 18:34
 Uber and Lyft pull out of Minneapolis

Uber and Lyft have announced that they are shutting down their operations in Minneapolis as a result of new wage rules for drivers.

Here's What We Know

The Minneapolis City Council approved a decision to provide drivers with a minimum rate of $1.40 per mile and 51 cents per minute.

These new requirements have become a cause for concern for companies that consider these rates to be erroneous. According to them, a preliminary study confirmed that even lower rates than those adopted by the city council would provide drivers with a sufficient level of income.

This measure leads to the loss of jobs for about 10,000 drivers and raises questions about the accessibility of public transport for city residents, especially those with disabilities.

The actions of other cities, such as New York and Seattle, which have set minimum wage standards for drivers, demonstrate the pressure on companies to ensure fair working conditions.

A member of the Minneapolis City Council stressed that these new rules should not come at the expense of driver welfare. All workers deserve a decent wage.

Source: The Verge