Planet of Lana platformer to be released on PlayStation and Switch on 16 April

By: Dmitro Koval | 16.03.2024, 14:53

Thunderful Games in partnership with Wishfully announced the release of the story-driven platformer Planet of Lana on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. The game was originally released in May last year for Xbox Series, Xbox One, and PC.

Here's What We Know

The story follows Lana, the main character, on a mysterious planet. Faced with an invasion of fearsome machines, Lana sets out to save her sister and her fellow villagers with the help of a mysterious creature called Mui. Players can control Mui as they overcome obstacles and solve puzzles while avoiding danger.

As Lana uncovers the secrets of the planet, the true nature of recent events unfolds. With a charming Studio Ghibli-inspired art style, Planet of Lana captivates players with its presentation, puzzles and narrative.

When We Can Expect It

The game will be released on consoles on 16 April.

Source: GamingBolt