The UK Mint has released a numismatic collection featuring three iconic spaceships and the Death Star from Star Wars

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.03.2024, 15:03

The Royal Mint continues to delight Star Wars fans with exclusive coin collections.

Earlier we reported on the release of four 50 pence coins, the obverse of which features characters from the original Star Wars trilogy of films - droids R2-D2 and C-3P0, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, as well as Han Solo and Chewbacca.

Now another collection has been unveiled that will appeal to fans of George Lucas' saga.

Here's What We Know

The Royal Mint has unveiled a collectionthat includes four coins.

They are engraved with the Millennium Falcon, the Imperial TIE/ln fighter, the X-wing, and the iconic Death Star. The coins' reverse (back side) features an engraved profile of Britain's monarch Charles III.

The coins are available in silver and gold, and in a variety of alloys.

The weight of the coins varies from ¼ to 5 ounces, and the price of the set varies proportionately accordingly.

Almost all sets of THE STAR WARS COLLECTION Iconic Vehicles will be released in a limited edition, so all those interested are invited to pre-order to avoid missing the chance to acquire a unique collection.

The coins are guaranteed by the British Government as to its legality, purity and metal provenance.

Source: Royal Mint