Thanks to a leak, release dates for Monster Hunter Wilds, Resident Evil 9 and Pragmata have been revealed

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.03.2024, 20:04

Reddit user Bi-HanKuai has shared an interesting find.

He managed to "discover on Twitter" a slide that supposedly shows the release schedule of some Capcom projects.

Here's What We Know

Some of the games from the screenshot have already been released.

The nearest release is Dragon's Dogma 2 - this role-playing game will be released on the 22nd of March.

But Capcom didn't announce that there will be a big addition to it, and according to the leak DLC will be released on the 29th of November and will be called The Dragon Princess.

Capcom will release Monster Hunter Wilds in 2025. This game has already been announced, but details about it are promised to be revealed in the summer. Bi-HanKuai's screenshot, on the other hand, shows the exact date: the game will be released on 14 March.

According to the slide, Resident Evil 9 will be released on 24 October 2025.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Cataclysm is scheduled for release in 2026 (it looks like it's an add-on) and the sci-fi game Pragmata, which was announced back in 2020 but there's been absolutely no news about it since then.

Source: Reddit