It all depends on gamers: Metal Gear franchise producer doesn't rule out that Konami will continue to develop the series after the release of Snake Eater remake

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.03.2024, 13:06

Metal Gear Solid Δ Snake Eater, a remake of the iconic 2004 stealth action game, is expected to be released in 2024.

Many gamers are eagerly awaiting the release of the updated version of the famous game by Hideo Kojima and hope that it will not only be of high quality, but also breathe new life into the once popular franchise.

Here's What We Know

Konami published a 20-minute Metal Gear Production hotline video in which the franchise's producer made an interesting statement.

When asked if MGS fans should hope for new projects after the release of the Snake Eater remake, Noriaki Okamura said that it all depends on gamers.

According to him, Konami is now focused on releasing a quality re-release of MGS 3, and after its release, the company will study the reaction and wishes of the public. And depending on the requests of gamers Konami will decide on the further development of the Metal Gear franchise.

Metal Gear Solid Δ Snake Eater release date is still unknown. The game will be available on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

Source: Konami