New rules for children on social media are introduced in the US

By: Nastya Bobkova | 25.03.2024, 21:41
New rules for children on social media are introduced in the US

The Governor of Florida has officially signed HB 3, a bill aimed at regulating children's access to social media.

Here's What We Know

According to the new law, social media platforms must block the creation of accounts for children under 14 and delete existing accounts.

For teenagers aged 14 and 15, parental consent is required to create social media profiles. Violation of these requirements may result in fines for companies.

The law also provides for age verification of users of commercial applications and websites, especially those that contain material that may be harmful to minors. These sites are required to ensure that their users are of sufficient age to access the content.

The new law has been opposed by tech industry groups, which have pointed to possible privacy concerns and restrictions on freedom of speech. However, representatives of the legislative authorities note that the new law does not restrict freedom of speech, but only ensures the safety of children in the online environment.

Source: The Verge