Experts warn against using "Peer-to-Peer Login" in Telegram

By: Nastya Bobkova | 26.03.2024, 02:34

Telegram has announced a new programme called Peer-to-Peer Login (P2PL), which will allow users to get a free premium subscription for text messaging.

Here's What We Know

The programme allows users to get premium status for free, but with an important condition: sharing one-time passwords with other users via their phone numbers. Participation in the initiative can have serious consequences for the privacy and security of users. Under this system, Telegram will use users' phone numbers to send one-time passwords to other users who log in to their accounts.

Under the terms of use of Telegram, users are responsible for any consequences of accidental disclosure of their phone numbers.

Telegram claims that the app is designed to make it easier to obtain access codes via SMS, especially in regions where it is difficult to do so. However, critics believe that this could be an attempt to avoid paying operators for sending SMS.

Given the potential risks and privacy concerns, experts advise avoiding this offer if it comes your way. Such measures may prove to be too much of a risk just to save $5 a month.

Source: Android Police