Media: game developers question the need to release PlayStation 5 Pro console

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.03.2024, 19:27

According to numerous leaks, Sony will release the PlayStation 5 Pro, an improved version of the current generation console, in late 2024 or early 2025.

Experts and insiders claim that the new device will be much more powerful than the base PS5, but there is a possibility that the increased technical capabilities are not necessary.

Here's What We Know

The head of the portal Christopher Dring took part in the GDC conference, where he talked to developers from leading game companies.

According to him, many game designers believe that there is no point in the release of PS5 Pro, because a large part of studios have not yet managed to release a single game for the base console, and those who have done it - have not used the full potential of the Japanese platform.

Christopher Dring believes that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly slowed down the technological development of games, so the PS5 is currently quite enough to release quality projects.

An additional nuance lies in the fact that those who have not managed to release any games on PS5 will be forced to do not only the basic work, but also to adapt their games to the more powerful platform.
