Samsung Galaxy S25 details: What we know about the design, features and price

By: Nastya Bobkova | 28.03.2024, 02:13

Speculation about the upcoming releases of Samsung's flagship smartphones is gaining immense popularity in the world of mobile technology. One of the main topics of discussion is the design of the next generation of devices

Technical Characteristics

According to rumours, Samsung will continue its trend towards evolutionary rather than revolutionary design changes. Expect a thin display bezel, island camera lenses, and flat edges on the sides. However, the main difference may lie in the screen size, with predictions of an increase to 6.36 inches.

In terms of specifications, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chipset in the US, with a possible return to its own Exynos chips abroad.

Price and release period:

There is talk of a possible price increase for all Galaxy S25 models due to rising costs from Qualcomm.

As for the release period, the Galaxy S25 is expected early next year.

Other features: The new Galaxy S25 will support seven years of OS and security updates, which has become the new standard for Samsung's flagship devices.

Samsung will also continue to develop its Galaxy AI platform and introduce new AI-based features.

All in all, the Samsung Galaxy S25 promises to be not only an evolutionary step in the flagship segment of the smartphone market, but also a stable and powerful device worthy of the brand's fans' attention.

Source: Android Police