SWAT team's Spot robot fires several shots during a standoff in the US

By: Nastya Bobkova | 28.03.2024, 03:53

In Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a standoff took place between a SWAT team and a suspect who had barricaded himself in a house.

Here's What We Know

During the operation, the SWAT team decided to use Boston Dynamics' Spot robot along with two other PackBot 510 robots to detain the suspect.

However, the situation quickly escalated when the suspect fired at the Spot robot and tried to escape capture. The robot was shot several times and became incapacitated.

It is noted that this is the first time a robot assistant has been shot while performing its duties.

MSP representatives emphasised the effectiveness of using robotic platforms to collect intelligence and ensure security during such incidents.

After the incident, Spot was sent for repair, and Boston Dynamics expressed a desire to investigate the causes and consequences of the incident to further improve its robots.

Source: Digital Trends