Euclid Space Telescope resumes operation after fixing ice formation problem

By: Nastya Bobkova | 28.03.2024, 04:54

The Euclid Space Telescope, owned by the European Space Agency (ESA), has successfully restored its functionality after a slight formation of water ice on its mirror was detected.

Here's What We Know

Last week, it was announced that some of the instruments of the Euclid telescope were hampered by ice buildup. After some time, the water that got into the telescope froze and created problems for the device.

Although the thickness of the ice formed was very small, it was sufficient to affect the operation of the highly sensitive VISible instrument (VIS). Now that the telescope mirror has been gently heated, the ice has melted.

There are several mirrors on board the telescope, and the team had planned to heat each one in turn to gradually melt the ice and not affect other parts of the telescope. However, the first mirror to be heated proved to be the most problematic.

Although ice formation may recur in the future, the team is confident that they now know how to manage this problem effectively.

Source: Digital Trends