A new game from one of the creators of Dragon Age will be unveiled next week

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.03.2024, 19:34

Yellow Brick Games studio, founded in 2020 by one of the creators of the famous Dragon Age series Mike Laidlaw, is preparing to present its first project.

Here's What We Know

According to the teaser, the presentation of action-adventure from Yellow Brick will take place on 2 April on IGN.

So far we can make an assumption that it will be a fantasy game with a bright visual style and a lot of colourful landscapes.

The developers said that the publisher of the unnamed game was supposed to be Private Division, but the collaboration fell through and Mike Laidlaw decided to publish the game on his own.

We're happy to share this great news with the community. Self-publishing is a leap into the unknown, especially given the turbulent industry environment, but it's also an opportunity to take the future into your own hands and speak directly to players and the gamer community during release. Our team has been hard at work for years, and we can't wait to reveal our debut project to the world.

When We Can Expect It

Yellow Brick Games' debut game is expected to be released in 2025.

Source: Yellow Brick Games