New York City will test AI-enabled gun detectors in subways

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 29.03.2024, 20:39

Mary Altaffer/AP

New York City authorities are planning to start testing artificial intelligence (AI)-based weapon detection technology at underground turnstiles in the next 90 days. This was announced by the mayor of the city Eric Adams.

Here's What We Know

For the pilot project, the city has partnered with Evolv, a Massachusetts-based company specialising in AI-powered gun detectors. The technology is already being used in schools and other public spaces across the country.

According to a statement from the mayor, the initiative is aimed at improving underground safety after a recent shooting incident at a station in Brooklyn. Evolv scanners look like metal detectors but are equipped with an AI system to detect various weapons and explosives.

However, the accuracy and effectiveness of this technology is questionable. Evolv scanners have reportedly failed to detect certain types of homemade weapons, but at the same time have misidentified innocuous items such as umbrellas and lunchboxes as potential threats.

Evolv is now under regulatory scrutiny after several investigations and a class action lawsuit by shareholders who questioned marketing claims about the effectiveness of its products.

Despite the criticism, Mayor Adams expressed confidence in the importance of using advanced technology to keep citizens safe. He said the city will test other weapons detection systems during the 90-day period.

Community organisations, however, have expressed concern about the city's use of under-tested surveillance technologies and called for a more thorough evaluation of their effectiveness and impact on citizens' rights.

Source: The Verge