Last launch of Delta IV Heavy rocket cancelled minutes before launch

By: Nastya Bobkova | 30.03.2024, 02:01

The launch of Delta IV Heavy from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida was cancelled at the last minute due to a problem with the nitrogen pipeline.

Here's What We Know

The rocket launch process is a complex and highly technologically demanding process that requires perfect coordination and functioning of all systems. In this case, the problem with the nitrogen gas pipeline was discovered when the launch was about to take place.

United Launch Alliance decided to stop the launch process and initiate containment procedures to correct the fault.

The mission of the rocket was to deploy a reconnaissance satellite into geostationary orbit for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The satellite was to be in a permanent position over a specific point on the Earth's surface, enabling it to observe and collect information from that area without interruption.

This launch was of particular significance as it was the last for the Delta IV Heavy rocket model. After this launch, the Delta IV Heavy programme is no longer planned.

The most powerful Delta IV Heavy rocket has a thrust of approximately 2.1 million pounds at launch.

Source: Digital Trends