Google closes Podcasts

By: Nastya Bobkova | 30.03.2024, 02:48

Google has announced the discontinuation of its popular Podcasts programme in the US.

Here's What We Know

Users have been notified that they need to transfer their YouTube Music subscriptions by 2 April to continue following their favourite podcasts. The move is part of the company's strategy to centralise its audio services under YouTube.

Google Podcasts is used by more than 500 million users on Android devices worldwide, but now it will be shut down in a few days.

The move to YouTube Music will allow users to not only follow podcasts but also access music content. This decision also reflects the interest in video podcasts, which are becoming increasingly popular on YouTube.

Google is giving users additional time to transition, but after 2 April, the Podcasts programme will no longer be available. For those who missed the notification, there is an option to export subscriptions until July 2024.

Source: TechCrunch