Unexpectedly, it has been revealed that Ninja Theory co-founder and Hellbalde series creator Tameem Antoniades is long gone from the studio

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.04.2024, 19:25

A huge number of gamers, especially Xbox users, are eagerly awaiting the release of the ambitious action game Senua's Saga: Hellblade II.

On all promotional materials the game looks great and it seems that gameplay designers of Ninja Theory studio did a great job and Hellblade II will surpass the first part.

But, perhaps, the players have a reason to worry.

Here's What We Know

Recently Polygon journalists visited Ninja Theory's office and found out that one of the founders of the studio, creator of Hellblade series and head of development of the second part Tameem Antoniades is no longer working at the studio.

Polygon asked Microsoft representatives to comment on the situation, and they confirmed that Antoniades is not working at Ninja Theory, and he was involved in the development of Hellblade II only in the early stages of production.

The reason for Tamim Antoniades' dismissal was not disclosed, but it is known that the continuation of Senua's story is being handled by environment director Dan Attwell, special effects director Mark Slater-Tunstill and audio director David Garcia.

When We Can Expect It

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II will release on 21 May on PC and Xbox Series. The game will be available on Game Pass from day one.

Source: Polygon