From cars to robots: Apple is working on a new project

By: Vlad Cherevko | 04.04.2024, 20:33

Apple is now actively exploring the field of personal robotics. According to recent reports, two projects are currently being worked on. The first project is a robotic display that can move around. The second project is a personal robot that can move around your home.

Here's What We Know

After the cancellation of the long-term car project, Apple is looking for new directions for innovation. And by the looks of it, the next big step could be a personal robot. However, both projects are in the early stages of research, but the robotic display is at a more advanced stage than the personal robot.

As envisioned, Apple's personal robot could move around the house on its own and be used for video conferencing. However, tasks such as washing dishes would require significant technological breakthroughs. In the meantime, a robotic display could mimic human head movements during a FaceTime video call. For example, nodding its head.

However, Apple executives have concerns about whether people would be willing to pay more for such devices. There are also concerns about the weight of the robotic components on a small stand.

Apple's personal robot won't be the first created by a major tech company. A while back, Amazon launched its Astro robot for around $2,300, which is positioned as a "home monitoring robot for the home." Astro is capable of navigating around your home, finding you to deliver calls, messages, reminders and more. The robot can also be used as a remote video surveillance system and can be sent to check specific rooms. Unfortunately, the robot is currently available by invitation only.

Source: Bloomberg