Facebook improves video player: new design and better recommendations

By: Vlad Cherevko | 04.04.2024, 22:20

Facebook has announced major design changes to its video player. The updated full-screen video player will be more intuitive and easier to use.

Here's What We Know

In an effort to combine Reels, long-form videos, and Live content into one full-screen experience, Meta has decided to update its Facebook video player. When you tap on a video anywhere in the Facebook app, you'll see a full-screen, vertically orientated video.

The updated video player offers improved recommendations for videos of all lengths. The full-screen video player has new controls that allow users to watch videos the way they want.

The new controls include a slider to move through long videos and the ability to click on a video to bring up additional options that allow you to pause and go backwards or forwards by 10 seconds.

The update also brings more relevant video recommendations, regardless of length, to the feed and video tab. The updated video player is rolling out first on iOS and Android in the U.S. and Canada, and then globally in the coming months.

Source: Meta