Google introduces Jpegli, a new JPEG encoding library

By: Vlad Cherevko | 05.04.2024, 17:14
Google introduces Jpegli, a new JPEG encoding library

Google has introduced Jpegli, a new library for encoding JPEG images. This library is designed to create faster, visually appealing and more efficient images than traditional JPEGs.

Here's What We Know

Jpegli provides high backward compatibility, offering improved features and 35% compression at high quality compression settings. Jpegli uses new techniques to reduce noise and improve image quality. The library provides a compatible encoder and decoder conforming to the original JPEG standard. When images are compressed or decompressed through Jpegli, more accurate and visually efficient computations are performed - images look brighter and have fewer noticeable artefacts.

Jpegli can be encoded with 10 or more bits per component. Jpegli also compresses images more efficiently than traditional JPEG codecs, which can save bandwidth and storage space, as well as speed up web page loading.

Source: Google Open Source Blog