X makes Grok chatbot available to premium subscribers

By: Nastya Bobkova | 07.04.2024, 20:17

According to a recent announcement by X, only Premium and Premium+ subscribers will be able to interact with this innovative Grok chatbot in some regions.

Here's What We Know

After the company's founder Elon Musk expressed his intention to make his services more accessible to a wider audience last month, Grok was made available to users who pay only $8 per month.

Grok, as a true representative of the Large Language Model (LLM), includes both entertainment and normal communication modes. It is worth noting that, like any other product of this type, it is marked with labels that indicate possible inaccuracies in the answers.

The new step in Grok's development has become a challenge for other players in the market, such as ChatGPT by OpenAI, Gemini by Google, or Claude by Anthropic. It also pushes for further innovation in this area.

However, along with the positive news, there are also questions about the transparency of the company's work. Although xAI has opened the source code of Grok, the details of the training remain unknown.

Source: TechCrunch