Samsung receives a major order from NVIDIA to produce AI chips

By: Vlad Cherevko | 08.04.2024, 19:46

Samsung, looking to boost revenues and profits from its semiconductor division after several years of decline, has received an important order from NVIDIA to produce AI chips.

Here's What We Know

The order specifically concerns Samsung's 2.5D I-Cube and Interposer packaging technology, which the company introduced back in 2021. This technology allows multiple logic crystals - CPU, GPU, NPU and multiple high bandwidth crystals - to be stacked horizontally on a silicon interposer, allowing them to act as a single chip. Samsung says the technology will be used in high-performance chips for 5G, artificial intelligence and large data centres, as it enables much faster communication between the memory and logic blocks of the chip.

The packaging that Samsung will provide NVIDIA will also include four high-bandwidth memory modules. Getting the order from NVIDIA is an important step for Samsung, as it could attract the attention of other companies that may also consider using its packaging services.

Source: The Elec