Google to spend $1 billion on laying two new cables at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

By: Nastya Bobkova | 13.04.2024, 03:43

Google has announced a major investment in undersea infrastructure designed to improve connectivity in the Pacific region. According to the announcement, the corporation plans to spend $1 billion on laying two new cables on the Pacific seabed.

Here's What We Know

This ambitious project, known as Pacific Connect, involves working with various partners to create new fibre optic routes between the US and Japan.

The first cable, approved with the name Proa, will connect Japan, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam, providing new fibre optic internet routes in the region. In addition, Google plans to extend its existing Taiwan-Philippines-USA connectivity to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

The second cable, built by NEC and named Taihei, will connect Japan with Hawaii.

The submarine cables will form the backbone of the global digital network, contributing to the development of economic opportunities in the countries they connect.

Source :TechSpot