Nvidia announces the first AI supercomputer for students

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 13.04.2024, 08:55

Nvidia and the Georgia Institute of Technology have announced that they have developed the first supercomputer with artificial intelligence for students.

Here's What We Know

This step is a way to democratise access to supercomputing resources that are usually reserved for tech giants and startups.

Initially, only Georgia Tech undergraduate students can use the computing cluster running on Nvidia AI software and a "virtual gateway" from Penguin Solutions.

So far, students have only used the supercomputer in one classroom, but Georgia Tech plans to continue to scale up its use. By the spring of 2025, all undergraduate and graduate students of the university will have access to the development.

It is worth mentioning that OpenAI has recently signed its first agreement with a higher education institution: The University of Arizona got full access to ChatGPT Enterprise. The institution plans to use it for courses, training, research, etc.

Source: CNBC