John Wick's new task: Keanu Reeves to play Shadow in third Sonic film

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 16.04.2024, 11:21

In 2020, the animated film Sonic was released, followed by a sequel in 2022. Each of the films earned at least $300 million, so a third film is already in development. And one of the antagonists will be played by a famous film star.

Here's What We Know

The Hollywood Reporter's sources say that Keanu Reeves will play Shadow the Hedgehog. The actor is best known to movie fans for the films John Wick and The Matrix, and gamers will never forget Reeves' performance in Cyberpunk 2077, where he played Johnny Silverhand.

It is worth reminding that in the first two films, Jim Carrey played the antagonist Dr Egman, so the franchise continues to gather celebrities around it.

When We Can Expect It

You will be able to see Keanu Reeves as the antagonist's hedgehog starting from 20 December 2024.

Source: Hollywoodreporter