UK universities implement automated systems to protect against cyber threats

By: Nastya Bobkova | 20.04.2024, 00:49

Universities in the UK face significant cybersecurity challenges, but they are now using automation to combat massive cyber threats.

Here's What We Know

After a series of cyberattacks on Cambridge, Manchester, and the University of Wolverhampton, academics found that measures needed to be taken to protect against digital threats.

One of the main strategies was the introduction of automated systems that detect and prevent cyberattacks, reducing the risk to university networks and data. The CIO of the University of Salford emphasised that huge financial losses can occur due to cyberattacks, especially during periods of high student flow.

Educational institutions that have access to a large amount of personal data and intellectual property are becoming attractive targets for cybercriminals. It is known that the motives for such attacks can vary from financial fraud to political motives.

Protecting against cyber threats includes not only technical measures, but also staff training and the implementation of incident response strategies.

Source: TechRadar