Zombie holidays were fun: 7 million people played Dead Island 2 and killed 24 billion dead

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 22.04.2024, 18:17

Exactly a year ago, players embarked on a fun adventure to blow the brains out of zombies in Dead Island 2. So the authors decided to share the statistics of the players to find out how this exciting journey went.

Here's What We Know

A total of 7 million people have played Dead Island 2. 42% played on PlayStation 5, 40% on Xbox, and the remaining 18% preferred PC. Interestingly, only 3.3 million people have completed the story campaign, and the most popular character was Jacob.

On average, everyone spent 37 hours in the game. Also, remember that the game has co-op, and 73% of players tried it.

In total, 24 billion zombies were destroyed! Most of all, the zombies of the crusher subspecies got the worst of it. 474 representatives of these walkers were blown to pieces.

What did zombies kill with? Most often, a sporting rifle, knife, and katana.

But there is also sad news. Players died 449 million times, most often from the Voltaic Screamer zombie.

Where To Play

Dead Island 2 is available on PC (EGS, STeam), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series. The game received 73 points from critics and 7.7 points from players on Metacritic. Also this month, the game released the second storyline expansion, SoLA.

Source: deadisland