More than half of US residents have tried generative AI - Adobe Analytics

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 23.04.2024, 20:51


According to a recent Adobe Analytics survey of 3,000 respondents, about 53% of people in the US have tried generative artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

The survey results show that 82% of respondents agree with the idea that generative AI is a tool that can enhance their creativity and simplify their daily lives. Among those who already use the technology, 41% do so on a daily basis.

When it comes to the purpose of using generative AI, the data was distributed as follows:

  • For personal projects - 81%;
  • for work - 30%;
  • for school or university studies - 17%.

In terms of specific tasks, it was found that 64% of respondents use generative AI for research and brainstorming, 44% for preparing written content, and 36% for creating visual materials or presentations.

Additionally, 41% of Americans expect brands to use generative AI to improve the customer experience, and 58% said their online shopping experience has already improved as a result.

This recognition extends to specific e-commerce applications, where generative AI is making it easier to compare prices, personalise shopping advice and improve overall customer support.

Despite the widespread adoption and tangible benefits, respondents remain cautious about the limits of the technology's capabilities. 72% of respondents believe that while generative AI is a powerful tool, it will never be able to fully replicate human creativity.

Source: Adobe