BlizzCon 2024 has been cancelled! Blizzard has temporarily cancelled the annual festival and will try other formats

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.04.2024, 21:54

Blizzard has announced that fans of its games should not expect the annual BlizzCon festival in 2024.

Here's What We Know

The official announcement says that after much thought and discussion, Blizzard has decided to temporarily abandon BlizzCon in order to try out other formats.

It is known that the company will visit Gamescom, as well as hold other large-scale shows of its projects.

In addition, Blizzard is planning large-scale events in honour of the 30th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise, as well as the soon release of The War Within expansion for World of Warcraft and Vessel of Hatred for Diablo 4.

Blizzard will reveal more details about the event plan in the coming months.

Source: Blizzard