A robot dog with a flamethrower that melts snow and ignites fire: American company presents new technology

By: Nastya Bobkova | 28.04.2024, 06:12

The American flamethrower company Throwflame has launched a new superhero - Thermonator. This four-legged robot dog is equipped with a flamethrower that can ignite flames at a distance of 30 feet.

Here's What We Know

Thermonator can play the role of not only an extreme accessory but also a practical tool. Throwflame advertises it as a tool for controlled agricultural burns and melting snow and ice. This robot can be useful for forestry operations, helping to manage environmental fires.

Although the Thermonator is available for purchase for approximately $9,420, there are restrictions on its use in different states. For example, in California, its range is reduced to 10 feet due to local laws. In Maryland, a flamethrower licence is also required.

Despite this, Thermonator has already garnered some interest from the military and other government agencies. It can also be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Source: PCMag