Google fires developers before Google I/O conference

By: Nastya Bobkova | 30.04.2024, 04:09

On the eve of the biggest tech event of the year, the Google I/O developer conference, the tech giant announced staff layoffs in key teams such as Flutter, Dart, Python, and many others.

Here's What We Know

Reports from affected employees that appeared on social media confirmed the news. Although Google confirmed the layoffs, it refused to disclose details such as specific teams, roles, or the number of people who were fired.

Google spokesperson Alex Garcia-Kummert highlighted that these reorganisations are part of the company's normal business aimed at increasing efficiency and raising product priorities. Noting that it simplifies structures, the company is trying to provide employees with more opportunities to work on innovative and strategically important projects.

The layoffs did not affect the entire company, but they affected many teams. However, various sources say that the Flutter, Dart, and Python teams were not specifically singled out for this process.

Google announced Flutter updates that will be presented at this year's Google I/O conference.

The company stated its readiness to support the affected employees and provide them with access to outsourcing services and other types of support.

Source: TechCrunch