And this game is 18 years old! Nvidia has revealed an impressive trailer of an enhanced version of the cult action-RPG Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, created by enthusiasts using the RTX Remix toolkit

Nvidia has revealed the progress of a team of wiltOS Technologies enthusiasts who are working on improving the cult action-RPG Dark Messiah of Might & Magic using Nvidia's RTX Remix toolkit.
Here's What We Know
Thanks to the possibilities of modern technologies based on artificial intelligence and frame generation, the game, which was released in 2006, looks amazing and almost as good as modern projects.
With the help of RTX Remix the wiltOS Technologies team has significantly improved texture quality, added 3D effect to surfaces, such as paving stones, brickwork and similar objects, introduced ray tracing, significantly improved the quality of shadows, added support for DLSS 3.5 image scaling and Ray Reconstruction, as well as implemented the possibility of co-operative playthrough and slightly expanded the possibilities for creating modifications.
As a reminder, last year Ubisoft officially approved the development of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Co-Op & RTX Remix Mod and does not impose any restrictions on the team.
With RTX Remix and other similar technologies, enthusiasts have been able to give a new look to many classic games such as Doom 2, Quake, Half-Life and Serious Sam. Similar modifications are currently being created for Fallout: New Vegas, Tomb Raider, Max Payne and a number of other technically obsolete games that millions of people love.
Source: NVIDIA GeForce