Bernard Hill, known for his roles as King Théoden from The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Captain Edward Smith from Titanic, has passed away

Bernard Hill, the actor who brought to life Théoden, King of Rohan from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Captain Edward James Smith from the Oscar-winning Titanic, has died aged 79.
Here's What We Know
Bernard Hill died on Sunday morning, 5 May. His fiancée Alison and son Gabriel were with him at the time. This was reported by the actor's agent.
The actor was a favourite with fantasy fans for his role as Theoden, King of Rohan, in 'The Two Fortresses' and 'The Return of the King'. His masterful performance of Theoden's speeches at Helm's Deep and the charge of the Rohirrim at Minas Tirith were some of the most memorable moments in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Bernard Hill, born on 17 December 1944 in Manchester, United Kingdom, was a famous British film and television actor. He began his career in 1970 after graduating from Manchester Polytechnic School of Drama.
Hill rose to fame in the United Kingdom after his role as Yosser Hughes in the television series Boys from the Blackstuff. His phrase "Give us jobs" became popular with protesters against Margaret Thatcher's government due to high unemployment.

His first major role was in the 1996 film The Ghost and the Darkness. But Hill became the most sought-after actor after his role as Captain Edward John Smith in Titanic, James Cameron's film. However, his most famous role was Theoden, King of Rohan, in Peter Jackson's film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings". Hill was the only actor who starred in two films, awarded 11 Oscar statuettes ("Titanic", "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King")
The actor also starred in such films as True Crime (1999), The Scorpion King (2002), Gothika (2003), Operation Valkyrie (2008) and others.