Estonia launches the largest military exercise involving the public

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 07.05.2024, 10:58

Estonia will host a major military exercise called Spring Storm, involving thousands of troops from different countries and the local population.

Here's What We Know

An intensive military exercise will take place this week and until 17 May. The exercise is scheduled to take place in the western part of the country and on the islands. The training programme is divided into three main stages. From 6 to 12 May, participants will form units and improve international cooperation. From 13 to 17 May, major military battles are planned in the western part of the country, including the islands.

About 14,000 troops from 15 countries will take part in the exercise. This year, for the first time, Spring Storm involves the local population to raise awareness of potential dangers.

The main military units taking part in Spring Storm include the Second Infantry Brigade and the Western District of the Estonian Land Defence. Military aviation will also be actively involved in the exercise: fighters, helicopters and UAVs.

"Spring Storm is the largest annual defence exercise aimed at preparing various units of the Estonian army for combat operations and increasing the level of cooperation with NATO military allies. The exercise usually involves troops from Estonia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Latvia, Poland, Italy, France and Denmark.

Source: Estonian Defence Forces