US revokes Intel and Qualcomm export licences to sell Huawei products

By: Vlad Cherevko | 08.05.2024, 19:07

In light of ongoing tensions between the US and China over national security and technological dominance, the US Department of Commerce has announced further tightening of export restrictions on Chinese tech giant Huawei.

Here's What We Know

The new regulations effectively ban US chip makers such as Intel and Qualcomm from selling any Huawei products. This means revoking Huawei's previously granted licences to export chips unrelated to 5G technology, which had not previously been made public.

Previously, major US companies such as Intel and Qualcomm were granted licences to supply Huawei with certain products without 5G technology. However, these licences required renewal at regular intervals. Recent actions by the Department of Commerce indicate a shift in US policy, with the decision not to renew these licences, effectively cutting off Huawei's access to US chips altogether.

Going forward, Huawei will likely be forced to rely on processors developed by its domestic partner SMIC or alternative suppliers such as MediaTek to support production. The Chinese government has condemned the US actions, accusing them of "economic bullying". They argue that these actions against Chinese tech companies are unacceptable and create an unfair advantage for US companies.

Source: ShiftDelete