Like a Dragon, Persona and Sonic are set to get even bigger: an insider reveals Sega's plans for annual releases of games from its most successful franchises

By: Anton Kratiuk | 10.05.2024, 22:35

The last few years have been extremely successful for Sega (if we don't take into account the problems at Creative Assembly studio and the cancellation of the almost finished expensive online shooter HYENAS).

Not least the Japanese company's success is due to the popularity of three franchises - Like a Dragon (formerly Yakuza), Persona and Sonic. These games bring stable income and according to insider information Sega plans only to increase the pace of development of new parts.

Here's What We Know

Authoritative insider Midori (MbKKssTBhz5), who regularly shares reliable information about the Japanese game industry, said that Sega plans to make the release of new projects in the franchises Like a Dragon, Persona and Sonic annual.

He believes that gamers can expect not only sequels, but also remakes, remasters, add-ons, expansions and media content (probably meaning films and TV series).

Considering that most of the games in the above series receive top marks and remain in the memories of gamers for a long time, perhaps few people would be against regular releases of quality projects.

Source: X