OpenAI is preparing to release its own search engine

By: Nastya Bobkova | 11.05.2024, 03:36

OpenAI is preparing for a big announcement of its own search engine, which may soon compete with global giants such as Google.

Here's What We Know

According to Bloomberg, the new OpenAI search product may be presented on 13 May. Google's announcement will also be important in the field of artificial intelligence.

The OpenAI search engine promises to be an extension of their famous ChatGPT chatbot. It will allow users to get direct access to relevant information from the Internet and also include quotes.

Recently, the market received a sample from Perplexity, a startup founded by a trio of engineers who managed to value it around $1 billion. Their search engine also uses artificial intelligence with quotes, images, and text. This new competition from OpenAI promises to give users even more choice and access to information.

Source: Bloomberg