Something's gone wrong: Bethesda will release a patch on Monday for a patch that should fix new issues in Fallout 4 on all platforms

By: Anton Kratiuk | 11.05.2024, 22:31

At the end of April, the long-awaited nextgen update for Fallout 4 was released, after which many gamers remembered the saying "you don't look for good from good", as it didn't improve the game, but made it worse.

Instead of improving the quality of graphics and performance on modern consoles, as well as fixing old bugs, the update added a lot of new problems and critically damaged the work of most modifications.

Here's What We Know

Bethesda has announced that a ... patch for the patch will be released on 13 May!

What's funny is that the developers don't say what changes will be implemented. Perhaps they will try to fix newfound problems and add features that were never introduced by the Nextgen patch in Fallout 4. For example, PC never got support for ultra-wide monitors, and there's a huge problem with the game's modes on the Xbox Series.

In addition, the native version of Fallout 4 for Xbox Series looks worse than the Xbox One version running with backwards compatibility.

All in all, Bethesda still has a lot of work to do. It's ironic that the studio is adding more headaches to itself with its actions.

Source: Bethesda