Microsoft lost the court case and now has to pay $242 million in compensation

By: Vlad Cherevko | 13.05.2024, 22:19

On 10 May 2024, Microsoft's defeat in a lawsuit became known. A federal jury in Delaware, USA, ruled that Microsoft infringed a patent owned by IPA Technologies. As a result, the technology giant is required to pay damages of $242 million.

Here's What We Know

The dispute concerned the Cortana voice assistant software, which the jury found infringed IPA's rights to computer communication software. The original lawsuit was filed by IPA Technologies in 2018. Microsoft argued that it did not infringe the patent and that the patent itself was invalid.

IPA Technologies is a subsidiary of Wi-LAN Licensing Company, which is jointly owned by Canadian technology company Quarterhill and two investment firms. The patent in dispute was originally acquired by IPA from Siri, a company owned by SRI International. Apple acquired Siri and its technology in 2010 and applied it to its Siri voice assistant.

In response to the court's ruling, a Microsoft spokesperson said the company did not infringe IPA's patents and that the decision would be appealed. Representatives for the IPA and Wi-LAN have not yet responded to the verdict. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the company may have to pay $242 million to IPA Technologies. Experts also note that IPA Technologies could also file a cross-appeal if Microsoft's appeal is upheld.

Source: IT Home