Everyone knows him: the first shot of the film Return to Silent Hill has been released, showing the iconic monster

By: Anton Kratiuk | 16.05.2024, 21:22

While gamers are waiting for the remake of the cult horror Silent Hill 2 from Polish studio Bloober Team, many may have forgotten that a film adaptation of the game called Return to Silent Hill is in production.

Here's What We Know

Not much is known about the film, no trailers have been presented yet, but it was previously reported that its plot is based on the game Silent Hill 2 and will retell it in film format.

Today Variety has released the first still from Silent Hill Returns, and of course it features the famous Pyramid Head monster, who will relentlessly pursue protagonist James Sunderland and try to punish him for his misdeeds.

Pyramid Head in the film looks exactly like his predecessor from the 2001 game, which can't help but please fans of the franchise.

The main role in "Return to Silent Hill" will be played by Jeremy Irvine, and the role of James' wife will be played by Hannah Emily Anderson.

At the moment the film can already be appreciated by the guests of the Cannes Film Festival, but when it will be released on the big screens is not announced yet.

Source: Variety