NASA to help launch European rover Rosalind Franklin

By: Nastya Bobkova | 18.05.2024, 03:33

The European Mars rover known as Rosalind Franklin has been given a chance to be revived thanks to a new cooperation agreement with NASA.

Here's What We Know

Following the termination of its cooperation with the Russian space agency Roscosmos, the European Space Agency (ESA) has been looking for opportunities to continue its mission on Mars. Now, thanks to an agreement with NASA, the Rosalind Franklin rover will have a chance to resume its journey in 2028.

The plans to launch the rover, which is part of the European ExoMars programme, were postponed due to various factors, including the coronavirus pandemic and the termination of cooperation with the previous partner. However, the new agreement with NASA opens up new prospects for this mission.

NASA will also provide a part of the heating system for the rover, while the American commercial launch partner will work on the transportation of the rover.

Engineers are currently working on revising the rover to check that the system is ready for launch. The agreement with NASA opens a new page in the history of Mars exploration, uniting the efforts of the world's best scientists in the common goal of unlocking the secrets of the Red Planet.

Source: Digital Trends