Hundreds and thousands of sights for armoured vehicles: Belarus helps Russia with arms

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 20.05.2024, 11:26

The military-industrial complex of Belarus is to produce several hundred sights for Russian armoured vehicles that will later go to war.

Here's What We Know

The sights are manufactured at the Minsk-based company Peleng, which specialises in the development and production of these systems. According to BelPol, the order includes 700 sights for T-72 and T-90 tanks, 500 sights for armoured personnel carriers, 100 sights for Terminator combat vehicles and 70 sights for Chrysanthemum anti-tank systems.

Obviously, the Russian demand for such devices was significant, which in turn led to the intensification of production and the development of cooperation with other Belarusian companies, such as Rukhservomotor and the Belarusian Optical and Mechanical Association (BelOMO).

The mass production of sights began after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war: Peleng received hundreds of contracts.

It is also known that the company is expanding its production and is recruiting staff for this purpose. "Peleng also produces multi-channel sights for Sosna-U gunners, panoramic sights for commanders, and thermal imaging sights for Essa.

Another key aspect is cooperation with Chinese companies that supply the necessary mechanical and optical components for the sights. Payment transactions are carried out through the Belarusian VTB Bank Belarus, and according to the investigation, the amounts on the company's accounts in China reach millions of yuan. The final recipient of the products is the well-known Uralvagonzavod.

Source: BelPol