Monkey and pig duo, vampires and robots: insiders reveal the full list of characters in Valve's upcoming shooter Deadlock

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 22.05.2024, 08:15

We wrote that Valve's upcoming shooter Deadlock is currently in alpha, and the game cycle and mechanics resemble Dota. The game will feature different characters, and now we have a full list of them.

Here's What We Know

Heroes include mages, robots, creatures, humans, and more. There are currently 19 different heroes, each with different abilities and playstyles. The full list of heroes is below

List of 19 Deadlock characters

  • Abrams - a character that looks like a demon gargoyle
  • Bebop - a red robot that seems to be missing an eye
  • Dynamo - another robot
  • Grey Talon - an Indian character
  • Haze
  • Infernus
  • Ivy - an encore
  • Kelvin
  • Lady Geist
  • Lash - warrior
  • McGinnis - blacksmith
  • Mo & Krill - a monkey and pig duo
  • Paradox
  • Pocket
  • Seven
  • Vindicta - a character that looks like a vampire
  • Warden - a policeman
  • Wraith - bounty hunter
  • Yamato - a character that looks like a samurai

When We Can Expect It

Deadlock will be released at least in 2025, as there is no official date yet.

Source: insider-gaming