Final Fantasy IX remake - be! A reputable insider has confirmed that Square Enix will revamp another instalment in the series

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.05.2024, 22:19

For months now, fans of the Final Fantasy franchise have been hearing rumours that Square Enix is developing a remake of the ninth instalment of the series.

Japanese developers are still keeping silent about their plans, but gamers often see hints in their other projects.

Here's What We Know

A reputable Midori insider who specialises in the Japanese gaming industry has confirmed that Square Enix is indeed working on a remake of Final Fantasy IX, which is considered by many fans to be the best game in the series.

Details are likely to emerge soon, but based on Square Enix's new business strategy, we can assume that the Final Fantasy IX remake will not repeat the fate of the Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy and will not be a single platform exclusive.

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