Amazon to introduce a new monthly subscription for an advanced version of Alexa with artificial intelligence

By: Nastya Bobkova | 23.05.2024, 01:43

The global e-commerce leader Amazon is preparing to introduce a new stage in the evolution of its voice assistant. According to a recent report, the company is planning to launch an enhanced version of its Alexa product equipped with advanced artificial intelligence. This new version promises to be even smarter and more capable, but the said improved functionality will come at a price.

Here's What We Know

According to sources, Amazon intends to charge a separate monthly subscription for access to the new version of Alexa. This cost will be additional to the Amazon Prime fee. It is expected that the subscription will cost approximately $20 per month.

It is worth noting that this approach is already used by other players in the AI market, such as OpenAI and Google, which also charge monthly subscriptions for their products. However, Amazon has the advantage of making its product available through smart speakers.

Source: CNBC