Volunteers buy 17 armoured vehicles for Azov in the UK

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 24.05.2024, 10:39

No fewer than 17 armoured vehicles are being actively prepared for shipment to the Azov Brigade in the UK. This has been made possible by volunteers who have joined forces with the Azov One charity.

Here's What We Know

Volunteer Serhiy Prytula personally visited the parking lot of these transporters in Birmingham to make sure they were ready for departure. The Azov National Guard Brigade is to receive 15 FV432 tracked armoured personnel carriers and 2 FV434 armoured repair vehicles.

The funds for the armoured vehicles were raised through the Azov One NGO. And Sergey Prytula's foundation agreed to help with the transaction and delivery.

"I dropped by the picturesque Birmingham region and combined business with pleasure: I checked the readiness of the APCs contracted for Azov," said Serhiy Prytula.

Initially, it was planned to purchase only 5 M113 armoured personnel carriers, but thanks to volunteers, we managed to raise funds for a much larger number of FV432 vehicles. These models, which are almost identical in size but with a higher capacity, will allow them to effectively perform various tasks in any conditions.

"The FV432 models are almost identical to the M113 in their dimensions and have two seats for crew members and ten for troops," Azov One said.

Source: Azov One