Japanese company Kirin has unveiled an electric spoon that can "salt" your food

By: Myroslav Trinko | 24.05.2024, 13:13

Japanese manufacturer Kirin announced an unusual gadget.

Here's What We Know

We are talking about an electric spoon that can "salt" the dish. The spoon has special electrodes that send a current to the tongue, creating a slight flavour of unami.

Before releasing the spoon, Kirin teamed up with Professor Homei Miyashita of Meiji University to test the technology on chopsticks connected to a wrist-worn battery pack. The manufacturer claims the sticks increased the saltiness of the taste by 50 per cent.

The main goal of the new gadget is to get people to eat healthier by allowing them to eat foods that are low in sodium and not get upset because a dish is unsalted.

Price & When We Can Expect It

The device has already started selling in Japan, but in limited quantities of 200 pieces. The novelty costs ¥19, 800 (about $127). The manufacturer is going to release the device on the global market next year. Kirin plans to sell up to one million spoons in five years.

Source: Kirin Holdings